Turku Archipelago

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In front of the shoreline of Turku lays the amazing Archipelago Sea. An archipelago is an island group or island chain in the sea. The ones in front of Turku are said to be the largest archipelago in the world, but not everyone accepts that because they exist out of many smaller island. There are around 20.000 different Islands in the Turku archipelago. When we went to Åland, the ship went trough the little islands and we had a good look at some of them. It is really nice and there are many swans and seagulls but we also thought we had seen some seals sticking their heads out of the water close to the islands. Some of the bigger islands are also inhabitant and ferries to those islands are available. The Turku archipelago go as far as Åland, Steffi and I found some very interesting offers to buy our own island... maybe in the future. you never know! But joke aside the Archipelago are very nice to look at and to visit and should I return in summer to Turku I most definitely will visit them again and do some island hopping. 
