Fun facts about Finland

When I arrived with the plane to Helsinki the airline Finnair provided a fact sheet of Finland and I thought it was very funny, but also informative. Therefore I thought I would share it here. 

Finland has a area of 390.909 km² with about 188.000 lakes. 75% of the land is covered in woods, 7% of land is used in agriculture and the national bird is the whooper swan. Since 1917 is Finland a sovereign parliamentary republic and since January 1995 it is part of the European Union. It has 200 members elected for four-year terms in the parliament and the president is elected every six years. Current president is Sauli Niinistö, who got re-elected the second time in January 2018. Finland has a population of 5.5 million people and 88% speak Finnish, 5,2% speak Swedish and 0,04% speak Sami. The currency is Euro (€) and the GDP (gross domestic product) in Finland lays at 224 billion €. In regards to education there are 72% of students, who studied beyond basic education, in the country are 14 Universities and 25 Universities of applied sciences, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu (Turku university of applied sciences) being one of them. The national food is rye bread and around 12,3 l of ice cream are consumed per captia per year in Finland. There are estimated 2.300.000 saunas in the country and around 9,6 kg of coffee are consumed per capita in one year. Also around 788.000 (preliminary) foreigners stayed at least one night in Finland.