Turku is from the 19th till the 22nd September 2019 host to the FCI Agility World championship which is held in the Gaterode Center. This world championship for dogs has been in Finland for the third time, but never in Turku. I am a big dog lover and when we saw the event on the "Kiss my Turku" website, which is by the way a really nice website to find something to do when you have no clue about the city, it was sure we had to go. It was even better, because it was my birthday that week and it was the perfect event for me! We went on Saturday, the 21st, on that day they had the Individual Jumping planned. Steffi and I went there at around 9:00 am when the small dogs start and decided to sit where the Austrian and German team and supporters sat. It was so much fun to watch and Finland was very good. In the medium dog category a German guy named Silas Boogk with his dog Beam won and it was so nice, because we sat next to his family and friends and they totally flipped out when they realized that he won the tournament.
So when you are interested in Dogs, want to see something new and are as lucky as we were that the championship was in Turku, I would totally recommend that you go there!