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The  Turun tuomiokirkko close to the city center of Turku, was build 1300 as a catholic church. The church is also called the cathedral church of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Henry (the first bishop of Finland). The cathedrals was the main church during the catholic period and the protestant period. The fire in 1827 destroyed the interior, which was restored later. In the reformation the church was taken by the Lutheran church and it still belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. 

We went there a day before the Turku day and had therefore free entrance, I am not sure if you have to pay something the other days of the week.

On the second floor the church is a museum, where all the relics of the catholic period are on display. They show all the old statues and cutlery and important artifacts in original. I think it is very impressive and I think it is very nice, that they show it inside the church even though its not catholic anymore. 

The first floor is still used by the Evangelical Lutheran church and is also a very impressive building. You can definitely tell, that the church belonged to the catholic church because you see the deepening inside the wall where the catholic statues were standing. In the church are also important people of history buried. For instance Karin Månsdotter the former mistress of King Eric XIV of Sweden and then Queen of Sweden. 

Another think I found really nice in the church was that by every interesting window or grave was a QR code to find something out about the thing you are looking at. 

