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It is a ferry boat on the Aurajoki and it was build in 1903 and started operating in 1904. It can carry up to 75 passengers at a time and is one of the city landmarks in Turku. Föri doesn't have a timetable, it is just switching between shores and you have to wait for the next time it comes to your shore side. The ferry takes about one and a half minutes to cross the river and is charge free. You can also take your bicycle with you. When the Aurajoki freezes shut and the ice is thicker than 30 cm the ferry is replaced by an ice bridge to enable the people who take Föri everyday to get over the river without having to walk to the next best bridge. Until 2017 Föri had two diesel engines to get over the river, now it has an electric motor which is much lighter, more environmental friendly and charged at night. 

Steffi and I discovered the ferry by accident, when we hopped off the Vesibussi for the first time. We wanted to cross the river to get to a supermarket and we saw the ferry and thought we can give it a shot. We were very stunned that it was free and really enjoyed the short but very nice trip. After getting our food we decided to take Föri again, even though we could have stayed on the other side of the shore. We were very lucky, because we caught the beautiful golden hour, when we were on the ferry. 

You should give it a shot!



