If you are staying in Turku for a semester or just some weeks a trip to Naantali is definitely a must!
It is about half an hour away from Turku by bus and the Föli buses are going there many times a day. The city is also one of the oldest in Finland and has a lot of really nice wooden buildings
which make for a beautiful scenery. There is the Viluluoto Spring which was said to have healing abilities and it made Naantali a popular place for spas. The Moominworld is also in
Naantali, it is a theme park for the whole family, Steffi and I didn´t go there because we went quite late and it was already closing. But I think in summer, when it is war outside it would be a
fun activity.
We mostly were at the harbor and walked through a park, where we meet some really curious squirrels. We also walked to a little beach, where we met some ducks and saw finish people jumping and swimming in the water... I thought it was quite funny to see, because I was wearing a warm jacket and my scarf and was still cold and they ran around in swimwear and jumped into the sea...
Around that area is also a nice lookout, where we went up and watched the sunset, well we tried it was pretty cloudy that day, but the view was also nice. So if you will be in Turku go and visit Naantali, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the city and will definitely go there again.